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Where Dust and Drought Destroy

I am working on my sermon out of Matthew 6.  A simple command to not store up treasure on this planet.  Why?  For thieves, moth and rust destroys.  In other words it does not last.  As I am working on trying to describe the futility of hoping in this age I thought of a photo series out of that shows the serious effects of a drought in West and Central Africa.  The images are stark, as they should be.  My heart breaks for those pictures of the little ones.  My mind went back to a time in seminary where I visited a neonatal unit in Los Angeles.  A little premature baby had just been born from a crack addict.  The little girl could have fit in my hand.  All I wanted to do was take her home. I saw that day another brush stroke in the effects of sin and death in this world.  This photo series shows another.

Look at the photo series and see that nothing lasts.  Not only does rust and moth destroy but so does dust and drought. How do this images move you to think of money and why God has enriched you?